Still Thursday, December 13th, 2012:
Just a quick picture. After about an hour or so, I removed the tape and clamps from the peghead neck block and neck doublers, and proceeded on to gluing on the kerfing. I am always glad when it comes time to glue on the kerfing, because the sideset becomes much less fragile and becomes more sturdy and solid. (And I am less afraid of accidentally cracking it in the handling.)
Here I'm gluing on the back kerfing:

Friday, December 14th, 2012;
And the top kerfing:

While that is setting, I will work on the fretboard --- trimming it to the correct taper, inlaying the maple fret lines, and gluing on the fingerboard binding (not sure yet what kind of wood I'll use for that --- maybe koa binding, maybe bloodwood binding (to match the bloodwood peghead veneer) --- I'll have to see which one looks better with the whole scheme of the guitar.
When that is done, I will make and glue in the side braces and trim the sides flush to the back side of the neck block. Then it will be time to prepare the top and back plates for gluing to the sides. |
Friday evening:
Took a few hours off to go to lunch and a movie with some teacher friends. When I returned, I removed the clamps for the kerfing and trimmed the sides flush with the back of the neck block. Here's what it looks like at the moment:


I also tapered the granadillo fingerboard --- I will be inlaying the fret slots with some maple purfling and binding the fingerboard with bloodwood strips.
