While the soundhole reinforcement was clamped up, I routed for the backstrip inlay. I am using one of my bloodwood binding pieces, with a black/white purfling strip on each side, for my backstrip. I first routed the two outer sides of the channel (a tiny bit narrower than their final dimensions, so I could "fine-tune" the fit later), then routed out the middle. I used, once again, my 1/16" downcut spiral bit in the Dremel, for its cleaner cut. Then I put strips of masking tape, one at a time, to widen the channel to just fit the backstrip. |
Here I'm checking the fit of the backstrip. It fits well!!!
After gluing the strip in with Titebond, I've clamped it down.
After an hour or so, I scraped and then thickness-sanded the back to about 2.2mm thick. Here's a close-up of the backstrip:
Here is the bandsawn back plate: