GS Mini 29


Sunday, March 30th, 2014:

Finish Sanding

No photos for this one. All I did was sand, sand, sand, and sand some more.

Now that the building was all done, I needed to prepare the guitar for the finishing process, so today I sanded. I first used 120-grit, followed by 150-grit, folllowed by 220-grit. After I had sanded with the 220-grit, I wiped the guitar body and neck with a paper towel dampened with water and let it sit for an hour. Then I re-sanded the raised grain with 220 again.

I followed the sanding with running a scraper along the binding's sharp edges and then softening the very slight bevel with sandpaper.

Tomorrow, after taping off areas (like the spruce directly around the rosette), I will begin the pore-filling process. I will need to pore-fill the bloodwood rosette, the Mayan walnut back and sides, and the mahogany of the neck. I plan to use Z-poxy for the pore-filling; it will probably take at least two coats, if not more.

Monday, March 31st, 2014:


It's about 11:00 a.m. I just finished putting my first coat of Z-poxy to the rosette and one side.

First I taped up the rosette area so that I could spray a protective coat of shellac to the spruce (to make sure I don't get any Z-poxy on it during the pore-filling stage). I then used a Pre-Val sprayer to spray on a couple of light coats of Sealcoat shellac on the top.

I applied the Z-poxy to the bloodwood rosette by pressing it in and smoothing it with my finger (wearing a nitrile glove).




Next, I taped up the bindings in preparation for applying the Z-poxy to the sides. I found that using one of those little credit-card-like things that they give you to put on your keychain worked really well for applying the Z-poxy. Flexing thc little card made it conform to the curve of the side really well, as I pressed the Z-poxy into the pores across the grain.

I held the card down almost flat to first mash the Z-poxy into the pores, and then held it at about a 45-degree angle to "squeegee" the excess Z-poxy off the surface.

Ooh ahh ooh ahh.....Isn't it pretty now? The amber tint of the Z-poxy really brings out the beautiful grain and color of this Mayan walnut:

So far I've done one side of the soundbox only. While this coat of Z-poxy dries, I will do the pore-filling on the neck. Later, I can move on to the other side and the back of the soundbox.




Another "ooh ahh" moment ... I've just applied the first coat of Z-poxy to the neck:

About 1:00 p.m. : The Z-poxy on the rosette was dry enough that I could lay the soundbox with the top down (waxed paper underneath), so I was able to pore-fill the back. (I had removed the blue masking tape from the bindings on that side and had masked the back binding/purfling with some thin white tape.) Here's a shot of the back and the side that has been pore-filled already:

Time for me to go to the high school for the cigar box uke kit class --- by the time I get back, the Z-poxy may be dry enough for me to apply another coat!



Tuesday, April 1st, 2014:

It's about 12:45 p.m. and I just finished applying my 3rd coat of Z-poxy to the soundbox. For the neck, it only took two coats to fill all the pores, so I have applied its thinned (50/50 Z-poxy & alcohol) coat.

Last night, I had applied the 2nd coat of Z-poxy to both the soundbox and neck. This morning, I first removed the masking tape from the bindings, so I could level-sand the Z-poxy with 400-grit sandpaper. Then, after that level-sanding, I re-applied the masking tape to the bindings and applied the 3rd coat to the soundbox.

I will wait until tomorrow to level-sand the soundbox, to ready it for its shellac seal coat, before starting the French polishing process.


Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014:

This morning, I first level-sanded the 3rd Z-poxy coat on the soundbox (had a few sandthroughs), and then I wiped on a 50/50 Z-poxy/alcohol solution to even out the color. Here it is, set in my vise. When it is dry, I will then very lightly scuff-sand it with a gray Scotchbrite pad, and begin the French polishing process.



I am, however, ready to start the French polishing process on the neck. Last night I had level-sanded it and had wiped on its diluted Z-poxy coat; today I scuff-sanded it with the gray Scotchbrite pad.

Also, yesterday, I had mixed up my shellac flakes and alcohol (Everclear); today it is ready to use.

Here we go!!!!




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