Thursday, July 24th . . . .Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything here. Ever since the shed actually was built, I've been kind of busy working on that. While the electrical work was being done, I was painting. When that was done, the next step was the insulation, which I just finished yesterday. I did work on the uke a bit in that time, but by the time the end of the day came around I was either too exhausted or too hot and sweaty (we've been having 90-100 degree weather here in California these past couple of weeks) to sit down at the computer and work on the website. ANYWAY . . . to the right is the bound soundbox, after I have scraped the tortoise-shell binding flush. It came out well. Using that adjustable binding attachment on my Dremel worked well. This time I had no serious gaps in fitting the binding to the ledges. The next step will be either carving the neck or making the bridge. |
Monday, August 11, 2003. . .Here's the bridge. I have finished other things on the uke, like gluing the fingerboard to the neck and carving the neck, but haven't taken any pictures of those yet (I was kind of busy with working on my new shed!). Right now I am in the process of applying the waterbase lacquer finish to the uke. I will post new pictures soon.