Sunday, August 22, 2004 . . . .


This afternoon I finished it up --- I put on the strings and adjusted the nut and saddle to get the action I wanted (low). I got lucky --- I had absolutely no buzzes and thus didn't have to spend any time trying to remedy any of those. Gosh, I didn't even cut any nut slots too low this time (something that usually happens to me)!!! I guess I deserved some lucky breaks, after all the heartache with the slipping bridge. . .

Anyway, here are some final photos of the bridge fix-up and the final product. It sounds good!!! I'm going to keep the guitar a few days, to let it loosen up a bit and see if I need to adjust the action (and to play it some!!!), before I deliver it to its new owner. . . . .

Perfect timing, huh? School starts tomorrow.



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